NIHR Bristol Biomedical Research Centre

We improve people’s health by researching mental, respiratory and orthopaedic disorders, investigating how diet and physical activity impact wellbeing and evaluating new surgical procedures.

National Institute for Health and Care Research Biomedical Research Centres (NIHR BRCs) focus on early phase translational research and experimental medicine. This occupies an important place on the research pipeline, bridging the gap between early discovery science and definitive studies involving large numbers of people.

NIHR BRCs are collaborations between NHS organisations and universities. They bring together academics and clinicians to translate scientific discoveries into potential new treatments, diagnostics and technologies.

At the NIHR Bristol BRC, we conduct first in human studies, pilot and feasibility trials, methodology development and large-scale data analysis.

We are part of the NIHR and hosted by University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation Trust in partnership with the University of Bristol. We also work with other NHS, academic, charity and commercial organisations.

We are one of 20 BRCs across England funded by the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR). NIHR funds, enables and delivers world-leading health and social care research that improves people’s health and wellbeing and promotes economic growth.

At the Bristol BRC, our work draws on Bristol’s expertise in developing interventions to improve the health of patients and the public, using detailed genetic and molecular data, and analysing large-scale datasets from records collected during routine NHS care. Understanding how diseases are caused, and better predicting how they will develop will help us develop and test new treatments and lead to more effective prevention.

Our researchers are developing new ways of treating patients and investigating what causes certain mental illnesses. They are looking at reducing the impact of respiratory disease on the healthcare system. They are developing new surgical devices and procedures to make sure patients are receiving the safest possible care. They are investigating how to improve health through better diet, increased physical activity and reduced bodyweight.

We have organised our research into five themes. For more information and examples of current projects, go to our research page.




academia | government | healthcare | network

